
PeopleTools 8.59 and 8.60 | Process Monitor Changes


Introduction to Process Monitor

The Process Monitor provides a means to assess the progress and status of processes, whether they are scheduled or currently in execution.

Accessible by following the navigation:

Navigation: Homepage > Main Menu > People Tools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor

This will lead you to the Process List page, where you can oversee processes that are queued for execution on the Process Scheduler server. You’ll have a view of both the Process List and Process Details interfaces, allowing you to closely monitor the status of each task.

To improve usability, Process Monitor in PeopleTools 8.59 and 8.60 has integrated the following new features:


Auto Update of Status Changes

In previous releases, you had to click the Refresh button to see the last process running and distribution status for any process instance.

Now, with PeopleTools 8.59s auto-update feature, the run and distribution status are updated automatically without you having to keep clicking the Refresh button.


Fig.1 Process List


The Process Details page displays detailed information about the process instance and the available update actions based on its current run and distribution status. By simply opening the Details page (without clicking Refresh in Process Monitor), you can get the latest status information and applicable actions enabled.


Fig.2 Process Details


Like the Process Monitor page, when you are on the Job List page, the status of the job and run items are automatically updated without you having to click the Refresh button.


Fig.3 Process Name-Job Details


New Related Actions Menu

The process list on the Process Monitor page has a link to the Details page, which shows process information, Run Control details, Date/Time of process, links to Message Log, View Log/Trace, Parameters, Batch Timings, Transfer, etc. Actions that can be performed on scheduled process such as Hold, Queue, Cancel, Delete, Re-send, and Re-start.

The user has to click a few times to view the Message Log or to perform a Hold Request on the process instance. For your convenience, PeopleTools 8.59 provides a new Related Actions link that contains Related Links and Actions. Users can navigate directly to the required information and apply actions such as Hold/Delete/Restart/Cancel directly from the Process Monitor page.


Fig.4 Process List Actions Menu


Clear and Reset Buttons

PeopleTools 8.59 introduced the Clear and Reset buttons along with the Refresh button. The Clear button can be used to remove all filters, restoring the default values. The Reset button can retrieve saved filter values from the database.


Fig.5 Clear & Reset Buttons


Server Name Drop-Down to Show Only the Configured Servers

Previously, the Server Name drop-down menu on the System Process Requests page displayed configured and unconfigured servers from the Server List configuration. This drop-down list shows only configured servers. This matches the existing Server List dropdown in Process Monitor.


Fig.6 Server List


All Filter Placement

By default, the Process Monitor shows process requests scheduled for the last day. Selecting the All-option grays out the time interval fields and enables all process requirements. PeopleTools 8.60 moved the All option to the main Period Filter.


Fig.7 All Filter


Displaying complete job details

Previously, Process Monitor only displayed job instances for scheduled jobs. Job elements such as processes and nested jobs within a job can only be viewed (in tree format) by clicking on the job name. You can view individual job items in Process Monitor by filtering using the Process Instance. However, users could not distinguish between individual processes and processes that were part of a job.

PeopleTools 8.60 also displays processes that are part of the job as hyperlinks. Clicking on the link will open the main job tree.


Fig.8 Displaying complete job details


Adding Run Control ID to Process List

In PeopleTools 8.60, the Run Control ID column is in the Process List!


Fig.9 Run Control ID


New Process Instance Range Link

A new range link that is compatible with the Instance filter was introduced starting from PeopleTools version 8.60.


Fig.10 Range Link


The Range link gives users access to the Instance from and Instance To fields.

Instance-from-and Instance-To

Fig.11 Instance from and Instance To


Benefits of Process Monitor Changes

  • The status will be automatically updated, no need to click on Refresh constantly.
  • We can use the Clear and Restart button to clear all the filters resetting to default values.
  • The Server List drop-down will only show the servers that have been configured.
  • Now we can see the Run Control ID in a column on the Process List.


The Bottom Line

The advancements in the Process Monitor through PeopleTools 8.59 and 8.60 users in a new era of streamlined process management. These improvements offer greater convenience, clarity, and efficiency, ensuring that users can seamlessly monitor, manage, and navigate through their scheduled and active processes. With these enhancements, the Process Monitor becomes an even more indispensable tool in your toolkit.


Author: Manisha Devi Ramachandran, PeopleSoft Consultant

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