
PeopleSoft HCM PUM 48 | Global Payroll & Absence Management Element Trace Viewer



The primary purpose of the Element Trace Viewer is to simplify the computation procedure for payroll elements that are affected by absences. Conventional payroll systems frequently function as “black boxes,” confusing administrators with anomalies or unexpected outcomes. This procedure is made clearer by the Element Trace Viewer, which offers a detailed explanation of how each element such as earnings, deductions, and leave balances is settled during a given pay period. This covers information on the sequence in which the calculations were performed, any formulas used, and the ultimate value determined for each component.


Understanding Element Trace Viewer

Calendar items computed with trace in the Global Payroll and Absence procedures can be examined using the Element Trace Viewer.  It also enables the review of traces imported from other databases. The Element Trace Viewer shares the same audit record as the Element Resolution Chain, simplifying the process of troubleshooting and reviewing elements. With its improved user interface and advanced features, the Element Trace Viewer makes navigating these records easier and more intuitive.


Fig.1: Element Trace Viewer


Element Trace

You can view the element’s details and related parts by clicking on the element name. The most commonly used sections for the element type are expanded by default. Additional information can be accessed by expanding any other section.


Fig.2: Element Trace


Other Updated Elements

To obtain the list of elements such as accumulators that have been updated during the computation of this earning, expand the Other Updated Elements section. You can access system elements, dates, formulas, and any other element information that was calculated during the execution of this earning in the Additional Element Information area.


Fig.3: Other Updated Elements


1. Accessing Elements

By clicking on the names of the accessible elements, you can also navigate. Clicking any other element name will take you to the next navigation area. You may see the element name and value side by side with formulas. This makes it easier for you to decide if a requirement is satisfied. To help you go down and understand how the formula was solved, each element that was used to solve it is highlighted in a different color and has a hyperlink. This facilitates your ability to see the resolution path followed and the values of each element used in the resolution.


Fig.4: Accessing Elements


2. Related Actions

After selecting the Hyperlink, select the Related Actions button. You can edit the selected element in a new browser tab if the trace was made in the current context. The details of the formula you choose are shown on this page.


Fig.5: Related Actions



Fig.6: Selected Formula


3. Extract Trace

Trace extraction facilitates troubleshooting and allows comparison of the element definition used in a resolution with an alternative environment. You can retrieve a trace once an absence or payroll procedure has been recognized. Navigate to the “Debug and Tuning Options” section. In the Debugging section, choose the Trace check box and provide a list of the calendars and employees you want the extracted file to contain. The Extract Trace option is only available when you have turned on the Enable Advanced Trace Options in the Global Payroll Installation Options component. Click on the Extract Trace check box and click OK. Then execute the payroll process.


Fig.7: Extract Trace


4. Download/Extract Trace

Click the Process Monitor >> Global Payroll Payee process >> Global Payroll Pay After process >> View Log/Trace. Then the user can download or extract the trace to their local system.


Fig.8: Download Extract Trace


5. Loading Trace File

To load a trace file in a target environment, open the load element trace page. Even though you can attach many trace files, only one can be used at a time. On the Load Element Trace window, type a name and choose Attach to look for the file you downloaded in the step before. After attaching the file, you must upload it to see the trace in the Element Trace Viewer. You have the option to erase the Trace ID if it is no longer required. Click the Load link to begin the upload.


Fig.9: Uploading Trace File



Fig.10: Loaded Trace File


6. Comparing Element

When an element has a plus sign, you can open it to see the detailed computation steps. An element definition from a loaded file can be compared.


Fig.11: Comparing Element


7. Result from Comparison

Field modifications are indicated with a blue circle. The field definition in the current database is the first pin code value the one that is crossed out. The field definition from the source database is represented by the second value pin code, which is the most recent addition. Changes made to the element from one database to another are easily recognizable.


Fig.12: Result from Comparison


Business Benefits

  • Ensures accurate payroll processing, reducing compliance risks and avoiding penalties or legal issues due to errors.
  • Improves reporting capabilities by providing detailed trace logs, and offering insights into payroll data, trends, costs, and resource allocation.
  • Enhances payroll accuracy by providing visibility into the calculation process, helping identify discrepancies to ensure precise employee payments.
  • Reduces payroll errors and streamlines processes, minimizing costs associated with manual intervention, rework, and financial repercussions.

By using the Element Trace Viewer, organizations can gain better control over payroll processes, ensure compliance, and optimize resource management.



The Element Trace Viewer enhances transparency and accuracy in payroll processing for PeopleSoft Global Payroll and Absence Management. By providing detailed trace, audit, and troubleshooting capabilities, it simplifies complex payroll computations and helps administrators quickly identify and correct discrepancies. Its user-friendly interface and advanced features make it a valuable tool for ensuring compliance, optimizing reporting, and reducing costs. Overall, the Element Trace Viewer streamlines payroll processes, ensuring accurate and efficient employee payments.


Author: Vasanth Ramasubramanian, PeopleSoft Consultant

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