Oracle has enhanced capability in the native electronic signature, which offers checklist task to configure a password validation pattern to suit business requirements. This functionality provides the capability to electronically sign with password validation. This feature can be enabled post 21A oracle upgrade.
Key Features
- Ability to associate different validation patterns for different E-Signature tasks.
- The password instruction text on the task page will be displayed based on the password validation pattern configured.
- If the validation pattern includes a national identifier type, value for Country must be selected.
- Ability to have multiple E-Signature validation patterns.
- The Checklist Task can be completed only when the Stakeholder’s Name along with the password is entered.
- Electronically signed documents automatically flow to the respective stakeholder’s Document Records as a PDF attachment.
- Signer Name, Email, IP Address and Date of signature can be captured in the E-Sign.
How enable Password Verification in Native E-Signature Checklist Task:
- We already published a blog on how to create a report to implement E-signature. Please refer the below link:
Step 1:
- Fig.1: Checklist Setup – Enter Checklist Task Type, Signature Type, Validation Type, Report Path as shown in fig.
Navigation: Setup and maintenance > Search >Checklist Template > Tasks

Fig 1
Step 02: Enable validation type from checklist Setup
Navigation: Setup and Maintenance > Search > Checklist Integration >

Add Integration > Select Integration Category as “Electronic Signature Validation” (Fig 2.1)
Integration Type as “Native Electronic Signature” (Fig 2.2)

Fig 2.1

Fig 2.2
Post filling information as shown in fig 2.2 step the following entries needs to be filled based on validation request.

Details of each tab is mentioned below to configure the validation
Integration Code: This column needs to be entered with code for identifying the validation configured and to tag the same under in checklist setup
E Signature validation Type: For Signature Validation Type either of the 3 option (fig 2.3) can be configured

Fig 2.3
Name Validation: Name validation can be set based on display name or full name

Country: Select Country based on requirement
National identifier type: National identifier can be selected based on the provided list and this selected national identifier can be used in the password validation pattern.

Password Validation Pattern : Password validation pattern can be given with the combination of above-mentioned E Signature validation Type, Name Validation,National identifier type
If display name is “NIKHIL PATIL” national identifier is aadhar with “1234567890” and date of birth is “19/03/1994” then
Password will be NIPAT89019031994

After configuring the integration part click on validate and tag the same under checklist task under validation type. (Refer fig 1).
Step 3: Complete the task by verifying password and E Signature
Navigation: About me > Current Tasks >

Step 4: To Do for myself

Step 5: Provide your E-Signature By entering the Name, Email, Password in the required format, and click on complete

Step 6: If the password entered is wrong or does not match the validation provided then error will be shown.

Step 7: On Successful validation of the password the task gets completed

Step 8: Also, the completed document can be viewed by clicking ion view document which fetches the report tagged to the checklist task.

- It reduces the Paperwork in submitting the signature for all type of documents.
- Password validation helps user to complete the task with attribute that’s configured in the password validation pattern in their record, If the user doesn’t enter in correct format, it will prevent them from completing the task.
- Digitally signed documents can be viewed in PDF format post completing the task
Nikhil P Patil
Oracle Cloud consultant