Mass-Allocation-of-Checklist-/-Journey- Using-Rest-API-So-that-Notification’s-will-Trigger

Triggering Notifications | Mass Allocation of Journeys via Rest API

In Oracle Fusion HCM, the term “Checklist” represents a powerful feature designed to assist organizations in optimizing and organizing their HR-related operations. It compiles a comprehensive list of tasks necessary for a particular event or transaction. These Checklists serve as invaluable tools across multiple HR processes, including but not limited to onboarding, performance evaluations, employee transfers, and other significant activities within the HR domain

In the exploration of efficiently managing checklists, Journeys, and tasks within Human Capital Management (HCM), two key tools stand out: the HSDL (HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader) and HDL (HCM Data Loader). These tools offer the capacity for mass allocation, significantly streamlining processes. However, when utilizing the HCM Data Loader to allocate checklists and Journeys, specific rules come into play:


  • Eligibility Profile Evaluation: It’s essential to note that eligibility profiles for checklists, Journeys, and associated tasks are not evaluated during the loading process.
  • Workflow Notifications: When loading checklists or Journeys’ tasks, it’s important to be aware that workflow notifications are not triggered.
  • Immediate Allocation: Allocation occurs immediately upon the loading process, irrespective of any specified allocation date.

But there’s more to this. Customers have the opportunity to create a simple extension, leveraging REST APIs designed for Checklists and Journeys. This extension allows for the seamless programmable allocation of checklists or the updating of task statuses.



Step 1: Download the Postman App and sign in using your Gmail account.

Step 2: Click on Create New Blank Collection


Creation of Collection

Fig.1: Creation of Collection


Step 3: Click on “Add a Request” from New Collection



Fig.2: Request


Step 4: Select Method as Post and give the below URL



Fig.3: URL


Step 5: Select the Authorization tab type as Basic Auth and give HR Specialist Credentials



Fig.4: Credentials


Step 6: Select the Headers Tab and give the below Keys and values

Content-Type = application/

REST-Framework-Version = 4



Fig.5: Headers


Step 7: Select the Body tab and Raw and give the payload below


 ”checklistName”: ”Update Email & Bank details”,

 ”checklistCategory”: ”ONBOARD”,

 ”personNumber”: ”{{PersonNumber}}”,

 ”allocationDate”: ”2023-10-05″



In the Payload Person Number is the parameter that will be sent through the CSV file

Step 8: Prepare the CSV file as below and save with type as CSV


csv file

Fig.6: CSV File


Step 9: Upload the CSV file by selecting the run collection and click on Run New Collection


Run Collection

Fig.7: Run Collection


Upload File

Fig.8: Upload File


Step 10: A checklist will be allocated to the employee and both email and bell notifications also trigger to employee



Fig.9: Notification



Business Benefits

1. Efficient Time Management:

Implementing this system leads to a remarkable decrease in the time required for various processes. This efficiency enables HR users to focus on other critical aspects of their work, thereby enhancing overall productivity.


2. Automated Notifications: Initiates notifications seamlessly

The system triggers automated notifications, ensuring that important alerts or updates are efficiently sent out to relevant stakeholders. Notifications are timely reminders, informing individuals or teams about pending tasks, deadlines, or any crucial changes within the checklist or Journey.


3. Bulk Allocation Simplified:

The system simplifies the allocation of checklists and Journeys in bulk, making handling a large volume of tasks effortless. This capability streamlines the management of multiple assignments, allowing administrators or managers to allocate tasks or checklists to numerous individuals or teams all at once. This not only saves time but also ensures that tasks are uniformly distributed without the need for manual, time-consuming allocation.



  • An external (Postman) Application is required to take advantage of the feature.
  • Basic Knowledge of Rest API is required.


The Bottom Line:

In conclusion, by following these steps and leveraging the capabilities of Oracle Fusion HCM, organizations can enhance their HR operations, saving time, and improving overall efficiency in checklist and Journey management.


Author: Narendar Rao Naineni, Associate Consultant

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