
Create Minimal Career Template | Prior 23B Update

Recently Oracle customers with Oracle Recruiting Cloud are notified of a major change coming up with the external career site. This notice must have raised multiple concerns for customers about whether their ORC setup will be affected or not. And, if affected, how they can implement the changes.

This topic will cover, how the career site used can be verified, why such decisions are taken up by Oracle, and understand the steps to be taken by customers.


What are the changes introduced with this upgrade in Carrer Site?

With the quarterly update of 22B, ORC has put the Modern template-based external career sites in maintenance. So, ORC customers whose external career sites are designed using the Minimal template do not have to worry about this change.

This means that after the 22B update of the Oracle Fusion Application, users can no longer create an external career site using the Modern template. Oracle will continue to support and maintain the Modern template-based career sites but has provided a timeline during which customers can move the career site to a Minimal template-based career site before the 23B update. After the 23B update, the Modern template will no longer be supported by Oracle. This doesn’t mean that the career site will be deactivated or deleted. After 23B, if any issues or bugs are reported with the Modern template-based career site, Oracle will no longer provide update or fixes. Furthermore, the template will not be automatically updated to the Minimal template.


Why is this change required?

Traditionally Oracle had a strategy to associate career site templates with lifecycle; which means a career template will be rolled out after a certain period of years. But this approach was not favored by customers as it will require creating a career site when the lifecycle ends.

Oracle wanted to provide a more durable approach to the maintenance of the career sites. Now, Oracle has introduced a framework-based career site. This framework approach is based on the Minimal template. Oracle will maintain and provide updates to the framework with easier-to-use configurable options. With this, Oracle hopes to reduce the need for custom HTML/CSS and enable the design of robust career sites.


How to check which template is used to design career sites?

To verify the template used, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.



  • Select the Setup: Recruiting and Candidate Experience




  • Select the Functional Area: Candidate Experience




  • Select the Task: Career Sites Configuration




  • Click Settings against the Active career site and click Edit.
  • Click the theme tab and under it one can find the template name.




  • Below is a sample look of templates with a basic setup.



Changing the career template from Modern to Minimal can be easy or complicated depending on the complexity of the configured active career site. Below are the steps for the same

Career sites that were developed with basic configurations can be easily changed to a Minimal template by switching the template in the live site, aligning the branding elements, and republishing the site. Basic configurations mean that the career side does not have any custom HTML/CSS, or custom content on the splash page.

If the career site has only the basic configurations, navigate to the active career site:

  • Click the Current Template tab.
  • Select Minimal template.
  • Click Save.



After saving the template, make sure to preview and make changes to the template before publishing.

  • Click Publish site to make the career site available for candidate applications.

For a complex career site that has a custom HTML/CSS or splash page, a better approach is to duplicate the active career site. After duplicating the site, the template can be switched and take more time in customizing or adding any new features as required.

Follow the steps below to duplicate the career site:

  • Follow steps 1 to 4 of how to check template.
  • Click Settings against the Active career site and click Duplicate.


When configuring the new career site, one can see that most of the delivered functionalities such as links to subpages, header or footer elements, etc. are not changed. Only the customized elements will need to be created and configured. The new career site will have the same job application flow, talent community flow, or extra information flow as it was configured in the original site. So, if the ORC career site is based on the Modern template, the customer must move to a Minimal template-based career site before 23B update.

Robinson Ngangom
Oracle HCM Cloud Consultant.

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